The BYOB Initiative


Recongising the hazards of plastic waste, Corner House has long been looking for alteratives to plastic packaging. Bagasse bowls and spoons are being used at all outlets for in-house dining only. The lack of leak-proof, air-tight biodegradable packaging has, unfortunately, made it impossible to switch to sustainable options.

To counter this predicament, the Bring Your Own Bowl (BYOB) Initiative was kicked off in June 2019. It is an attempt to encourage customers to go plastic-free by carrying a reusable container for their ice cream to be packed in. For each container that is brought to our outlet, an amount of R. 10 from the customer’s bill will be redirected to a charity.

The first two installments of this initiative were successful, with an accumulated amount of Rs. 40,000 having been paid to two charities.

Given the current scenario of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the buzz around this initiative has died down for safety reasons. We look forward to a time when we can safely call on you, our customers, to BYOB and help better our world.


Help spread the word! 👇

Corner House team